iTRACE London

iTRACE is an innovation in Travel Plan Management Software, developed by iBase Systems Ltd and WESTTRANS with funding from Transport for London. It provides a centralised software suite designed to monitor and report on the performance of sustainable travel and smarter choices initiatives at workplaces, schools and residential travel plan sites.

iTRACE delivers:

  • Secure and central storage of all travel plan information
  • Standardisation and continuity of monitoring, surveying and reporting - Local Authorities can now share Travel Plan data
  • Travel plan site access to a variety of online or paper based audits, travel surveys and reports
  • Electronically stores travel plan site audits, personal travel surveys, statistics and documents for workplaces, schools and residential developments
  • Sophisticated mapping & database technology geo-locates sites
  • Creation of an authority-wide system supports evidence based coordinated strategic planning

By ensuring that a robust, standardised approach is applied to the whole Travel Plan process, iTRACE facilitates like for like comparisons on Travel Plan data – from one year to the next, from one organisation to the next, from one borough/LA to the next. iTRACE is the new nationwide benchmark for data collection, management and reporting.